Miessence Organic Certifications.

Miessence Organic Certifications.
Currently, body care products are not required to comply with the stringent organic food standards maintained by certification bodies such as the BFA and NASAA in Australia and the USDA in America, hence the plethora of so many “organic” body care products now on the market.

Since water is the primary ingredient in many cosmetics, some manufacturers are claiming to use organic hydrosols, or floral water, to greenwash their products and make organic label claims while using the same synthetic toxic ingredients that would NEVER be allowed in organic food products. We believe this practice has the potential to destroy the integrity of the organic name.

Miessence is currently one of a limited number of skin care products on the planet that has submitted to, and complies with, the rigorous processing and labelling requirements for certified organic food products.

Our Certifications.

elling standards that govern organic foods, so it’s easy for some companies to label their products ‘organic’.
But once you look at the ingredients, some ‘organic’ products are a far cry from being truly organic, healthy or environmentally friendly at all!

For example, water is the primary ingredient in many cosmetics, so some manufacturers use ‘organic aqueous infusions’ (just very watered down teas) to mislead customers into thinking they’re organic, while still using the same synthetic toxic ingredients that would NEVER be allowed in organic food products.

This greenwashing has the potential to destroy consumer confidence in organic products.
To give you confidence, all Miessence products undergo our internal quality control processes which are then all certified organic by international independent bodies.

Our products fall into one of three organic categories:

Certified Organic (food grade)
Certified Organic (cosmetic)
Made With Certified Organic Ingredients (Registered Products)
The difference between these three categories is explained below:

Certified Organic Products (food grade)

Miessence certified organic products contain more than 95% certified organic ingredients. The remaining small percentage (up to 5%) must be naturally produced plant or mineral products with strict processing criteria, (e.g. absolutely no GMOs or synthetic chemicals).

ACO-logo2013.jpgProducts bearing the ACO Logo (Australian Certified Organic) meet all of the requirements above.  ACO is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within it’s certification system.  Certification of Compliance

ACO-ifoam.JPG Products bearing the ACO/IFOAM logo (International Federation of Organic      Agriculture Movements) meet all of the requirements of ACO certification in  addition to the standards set by IFOAM.  IFOAM is the worldwide umbrella  organization for the organic movement, uniting more than 750 member  organizations in 108 countries.  Certificate of Compliance

USDA-logo_small.gif Products bearing the USDA logo (United States Department of Agriculture) meet all  of the requirements of standards of the USDA National Organic Program (NOP).  The USDA National Organic Program accredits private businesses, organizations, and state agencies to certify producers and handlers of agricultural products       according to NOP regulations.  Certificate of Compliance

Certified Organic (Cosmetic) – Made with certified organic ingredients

ACO_Cosmetic.png Miessence organic cosmetic products contain more than 70% of certified organic ingredients.  The remaining percentage (up to 30%) must be naturally produced plant or mineral products with strict processing criteria, (e.g. absolutely no GMO’s or synthetic chemicals) or products of green chemistry.  These products bear the Organic Cosmetic xx% logo.

Registered products

BFA-logo.gif Miessence registered products are mineral-based products with a small percentage of organic ingredients.  These are non-agricultural substances (e.g., clay, bicar soda, minerals), that are subject to strict processing criteria (e.g. absolutely no GMO’s or synthetic chemicals).  These products otherwise are natural, conform to the general stipulations of the organic standards of the world and are deemed the “best in their class”.  Certificate of compliance